Audubon Society St. Petersburg w/ Jordan Kalajian 2-28-24

Season 1, Episode 7148,   Feb 28, 2024, 02:47 PM

Bird watching is a fun way to bond with friends and learn about our feathered friends.  Radio St. Pete INSIDER correspondent Jordan Kalajian caught up with the Audubon Society of St. Petersburg Vice President Beth Forys and former director of Florida Audobon Marianne Korosy about their events and field trips that introduce people of any age to the many bird species found in local Florida parks and beaches. 

Join St. Pete Audobon for some future adventures including a Field Trip to Brooker Creek Preserve March 9.  a Field Trip to Crescent Lake Park, March 23 and a Field Trip to Fort De Soto Park April 27. Mark your calendar for Birdathon in April in Clearwater for a statewide birding event as well as -Lets go Birding at downtown St. Pete's  Boyd Hill in April, where you can learn how how to attract birds to your yard. Learn more:

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