Shadows In The Desert: High Strangeness In The Borrego Triangle w/ Derek Hayes & David Flora
Season 19, Episode 33, Mar 14, 2024, 08:00 AM
Darkness Radio Presents: Shadows In The Desert: High Strangeness In The Borrego Triangle with Podcasters/Filmmakers, Derek Hayes & David Flora!
Today Darkness Radio is on a quest to find ghost stories, UFO reports, and even sasquatch sightings with the two men who coined the term for the area of Southern California desert from the town of Hemet. to the western edge of the Salton Sea, and down down near Jacumba, as the Borrego Triangle! The Triangle, known for high strangeness, has produced some of the most unusual paranormal stories you may have ever heard, and David and Derek have joined Darkness Radio today to share some of them!
Find out where to stream the movie and more about the movie here:
Check out Derek and David on their Socials:
Derek Hayes IG - @monstersamonguspodcast and @derekhayesmau
Derek Hayes Facebook -
David Flora IG - @blurryphotospodcast
David Flora Facebook -
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Today Darkness Radio is on a quest to find ghost stories, UFO reports, and even sasquatch sightings with the two men who coined the term for the area of Southern California desert from the town of Hemet. to the western edge of the Salton Sea, and down down near Jacumba, as the Borrego Triangle! The Triangle, known for high strangeness, has produced some of the most unusual paranormal stories you may have ever heard, and David and Derek have joined Darkness Radio today to share some of them!
Find out where to stream the movie and more about the movie here:
Check out Derek and David on their Socials:
Derek Hayes IG - @monstersamonguspodcast and @derekhayesmau
Derek Hayes Facebook -
David Flora IG - @blurryphotospodcast
David Flora Facebook -
Surfshark is a cybersecurity product that improves your online privacy and protects you from hackers. Their main product - VPN - basically acts as a shield and hides your IP address, so everything you do online stays private. Whether it would be reading the news, googling some dodgy info, streaming some shows, listening to podcasts... or anything else. Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code DARKNESS for an extra 3 months free at
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