Ron Regan, Musician and Actor on RadioStPete's Lunchtime Conversations 3-15-24

Season 1, Episode 7221,   Mar 14, 2024, 07:12 PM


RadioStPete INSIDER news director Nanette Wiser caught up with musician, actor and doer of good deeds Ron Regan who is currently a singer/PR guy at Matinee Opera Players when he’s not singing other places, entertaining seniors in assisted living, helping out with November’s Suncoast Jazz Festival or volunteering with the Better Living for Seniors Pinellas. You may have seen him acting or singing with Sage Theater, Gypsystage Repertory Company or Francis Wilson Playhouse.

#ronregan #suncoastjazz #suncoastjazzfestival #tampabay #radio #radiostpete #nanettewiser