WADA's Nancy Cohen on RadioStPete's "Lunchtime Conversations" March 2024

Season 1, Episode 7306,   Mar 26, 2024, 10:28 AM

Radio St. Pete INSIDER news director Nanette Wiser interviewed WADA Board of Director and artist Nancy Cohen whose studio in the Warehouse Arts District (WADA) was one of the first. is a still life painter, classically trained in the chiaroscuro style of the old masters but with a fresh, more contemporary style.   Nancy paints from life - a single source of north light shines on the scene before her and transforms mundane objects into luminous shimmering vessels.   She wants her work to show you the beauty and mystery she sees.   The result is a drama of bright light and dark shadows that bring her paintings to life. Nancy is from New York City and now lives in St. Petersburg, Florida.  She studied at the Art Students League of New York with Gregg Kreutz and has taken workshops with many of the masters of modern realism - C.W. Mundy, Duane Keiser, Christopher Gallego, John Morra, David Leffel, and Dennis Perrin.
Says Cohen: “I see the still life is an homage to the comfort, serenity, and safety of home.  It’s the stuff of our ordinary domestic lives - vases of flowers, beat up shoes, the foods we eat, well used books - all the beloved old familiar things that remind us of moments in our lives.  My job as an artist is to elevate these ordinary things into something more than just themselves - into something extraordinary.   I’m trying to make poetry out of old shoes.” Her studio is open during 2nd Saturday ArtWalk and by appointment located at 515 22nd Street South in downtown St. Pete. #nancycohen #WADA #stpete #stpetefl #tampabay #radio #radiostpete #nanettewiser   https://nancycohenstudio.com/