Kenny Chesney Tribute 4-27-24 at Fergs; David Hood, Northeast Exchange Club on Lunchtime Conversations!
Season 1, Episode 7461, Apr 26, 2024, 01:33 PM
Join Sunshine 96.7FM for a concert and good deed! On Saturday, April 27 at Ferg's Sports Bar and Grill Courtyard in downtown St. Pete, the Northeast Exchange Club Presents a charity concert event featuring PIRATE FLAG BAND (Kenny Chesney Tribute) with special guest Lee Cole and the Wranglers and hosted by: DJ Mad Man Mac. Located at 1320 Central Ave., doors open at 5 and the music starts @6pm and event ends 11pm. The concert benefits CAP (Child Abuse Prevention) Center and BabyCycle Diaper Bank. All ages welcome; no pets please. General Admission allows entry to the concert. VIP allows entry into the concert and VIP section closer to the stage plus access to VIP tent with seated tables for food and (2) beers or wines for each VIP ticket holder. Note: Both General Admission and VIP areas for the concert are standing room only. No seats will be placed on the concert floor. Ferg's sports bar and restaurant will provide additional seated area's for sitting and eating at the event for all General Admission ticket holders on a first come first served basis. #kennychesneytribute #fergs #northeastexchangeclub #fergssportsbar #lunchtimeconversations #tampabay #radio #radiostpete