PREVIEW: #HITLER: : Conversation with author Sean McMeekin about his book "STALIN's WAR: A New History of World War II," about hos Stalin signaled to Hitler in the Spring of 1939 that he was ready for an alliance in order to gain part of Poland and to obl

Apr 28, 2024, 06:52 PM

PREVIEW: #HITLER: Conversation with author Sean McMeekin about his book "STALIN's WAR: A New History of World War II," which discusses how Stalin signaled to Hitler in the Spring of 1939 that he was ready for an alliance. This alliance would allow Stalin to gain part of Poland and to compel England and France to go to war with Germany, leading to their mutual destruction. More details to follow later.

Stalin's War: A New History of World War II, Sean McMeekin, with Kevin Stillwell as narrator. Published by Basic Books.  Audible Audiobook – Unabridged

Motovo, Ribbentrop, Stalin, August 1939