Gina Wilkins, the Founder and CEO of Kind Mouse Productions Inc. on "Lunchtime Conversations: May 2024
Season 1, Episode 7538, May 13, 2024, 10:19 PM
Subscribe INSIDER news director Nanette Wiser interviewed Gina Wilkins, the Founder and CEO of Kind Mouse Productions Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit established in 2012 assisting local families in transition and their chronically hungry children. In 2012, Gina was a self-employed certified architectural draftsman. With the decline in the economy she saw many of her friends and peers fall into financial despair. These hardworking career people were too prideful to ask for help and eventually lost their homes and businesses. Gina, wanting to help her proud friends, saw a need to assist these displaced families and to also feed the hungry children of her neighborhood. Since that time, Gina is proud to say the Kind Mouse has fed over millions of chronically hungry little tummies since it’s birth and has served many families experiencing job loss. Gina is extremely grateful to the community for their support for The Kind Mouse and the Kind Mouse volunteers. As she likes to say, “It takes a large litter to run THIS Mouse.”
A brainchild of Gina’s is The Kind Mouse Outreach Programs – Mice In Training and Mice Interns. “KMKids Feeding Kids” where chidren from ages 5 through 18 learn leadership, how to operate a nonprofit and run two boards. These students are the next generation of the Kind Mouse.
Gina is a 7 year member of Angels Against Abuse, a 9 year member of The Rainmakers Business Networking Group, a 2 year member of The St Pete Women’s Chamber of Commerce, and a 1 year member of Woman’s Service League and St. Anthony’s Auxiliary. She has recently joined Boley Angels and Queen of Hearts . She was a 4 year member of BNI and a 7 year member of Northeast Exchange Club where she served 2 years on the board. Gina also represented Kind Mouse as a Junior League St. Petersburg Advisory Board Member.
#nanettewiser #thekindmouse #ginawilkins #gooddeeds #foodbanks #philanthropy
#tampabay #radio #radiostpete #stpete #stpetefl #greenbenchjune2024
Gina is a 7 year member of Angels Against Abuse, a 9 year member of The Rainmakers Business Networking Group, a 2 year member of The St Pete Women’s Chamber of Commerce, and a 1 year member of Woman’s Service League and St. Anthony’s Auxiliary. She has recently joined Boley Angels and Queen of Hearts . She was a 4 year member of BNI and a 7 year member of Northeast Exchange Club where she served 2 years on the board. Gina also represented Kind Mouse as a Junior League St. Petersburg Advisory Board Member.
#nanettewiser #thekindmouse #ginawilkins #gooddeeds #foodbanks #philanthropy
#tampabay #radio #radiostpete #stpete #stpetefl #greenbenchjune2024