Mike & Jacqie get personal and share "Our Story at Our Time" (Part 2)

Season 2, Episode 12,   May 21, 2024, 07:00 AM

The MAC Effect is BACK! Season 2 brings excitement, tears, laughs, cries, shocking truths, vulnerability and strength. Please take your time and enjoy these next couple episodes as we share important key moments in our lives. We took our time to bring this story out because its something Jacqie and myself value, care for and protect with all our love. This is why it needed to be prepared with the right time and the right energy. This not only will bless your life, this will help your life! Individually, relationship and/or marriage. 

Grab your coffee, tea, enjoy this on the road while going to work, at home while having a day off, when ever and where ever you are listening to us, please, please... I can't say this enough. We pray it blesses you and encourages you that nothing is impossible.

What once was lost, dead, DONE! what felt like would never end... LOVE never stop, LOVE never quit, LOVE never died... LOVE WON, LOVE WINS!

Please share, post, subscribe, help this reach millions all in efforts to bless and help us all (we never know when we will need it). Much Love - MAC Effect. #Themaceffect #maceffect #mac #mikecampos6 #god #love #hope #faith #joy #question #awakening #understanding #building #fundamentals #ihaveaquestion #iwanttolearn #growing #growingpains #letsgetitright #nottoday #nottodaysatan #jesuschrist #inJesusname #lovealwayswins #peace #letsgetit #marriage #ourstory #ourtime #Jacqie #mike #mikeandjacqie #jacqieandmike #truth #vulnerability #strength