Erika Abrams — Visual Effects Executive

Episode 7,   Jun 10, 2020, 07:15 PM


How do you run a 300-person team from your desk at home? And how does that team manage to function during this crazy time? Erika Abrams, lately of Encore VFX, has some answers. Her take on the weirdness of Zoom meetings, the need for empathy coupled with clarity, and the changing landscape for people of color makes for a fascinating — and far-reaching — conversation.

Erika Abrams was (until just recently) Lead Executive Producer & Director of Production in North America for Encore VFX, creating visual effects for shows like Flash, Supergirl, Riverdale, Titans and Black Lightning. She’s now consulting with creative teams, leading workshops, and applying design thinking to management and human interaction issues.

Erika’s website:

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Happy Theme by maxmakessounds and Atrium Loop by dpren used under standard Creative Commons attribution license: