Every Morning ☀️ I Wake Up Being Fat But I Lose Weight by Night 🌃

Season 7, Episode 24,   Oct 07, 2023, 03:40 AM

This podcast episode shoutout goes to ..Leila✨..if you want your name to be the next episode shoutout.... all you have to do is being the first person to rate and review this podcast

The thing is that I have a metabolic derangement and a water and salt balance disorder. Because of these diseases my weight changes by 10-15 kilograms throughout the day. At that, I wake up with the maximum weight, and when I go to bed in the evening the weight reaches its minimum value.

It started back in my childhood when I was 5 or 6 years old. My parents left me with a nanny, and went to visit their friends; they planned the overnight stay. However, when they came back home the next morning, they did not recognize me, because I looked like a plump ball with tiny cutouts for the eyes and indistinct facial features.

At first, my parents suspected the nanny of mistreating me. But I stood up for her and said that I adored her because she had always been very kind to me. My words were confirmed by the security tapes, and therefore my parents decided to consult the doctor to look for the reason for such changes in my appearance.

However, the doctors have never seen anything like this before and couldn’t say anything for certain without doing tests. I was taken to the clinic for 5 months. But it didn’t help, because since that day my whole life has turned into weight jumps. I started to wake up every morning looking like a bun and by the evening I turned into a thin string.

As a result, the doctors sorted out my case and explained that I had problems with metabolism at the genetic level. It was not possible to cure the disease, but I could learn to live with it.

Generally, childhood is a great time when everything around the child seems beautiful, colorful, and kind, no matter what. And that was why I didn’t worry about my disease at all. I couldn’t understand why I had to worry about it because my life was nice and exciting. On weekends, I used to eat lavender ice cream with my parents and then go cart racing with my dad. My life was full of emotions and I didn’t understand the doctor’s warnings at all.

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