Wedding Planning with a Narcissistic Mother - What can happen & How to deal with

Season 2, Episode 60,   May 21, 2024, 06:09 AM

❓Are you in the middle of planning your wedding and your mother is driving you crazy?
❓Are you in a committed relationship but afraid to take the next step as you don’t know how you could possibly handle a wedding with your mother being involved?
❓Was planning your wedding with your mother such a nightmare that you are terrified about planning anything else?
❓Or are you wishing more than anything that your mother would get involved, but she is dismissing your wedding as if it was just another day?

There are so many expectations and social pressure and conditioning going on around weddings that it is an intense thing to navigate at best of times.
But with a narcissistic mother in the picture, it gets even more intense!

In this episode we talked about how & why a narcissistic mother will interfere with your wedding planning and what you can do to protect yourself!

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Apply for the 1:1 Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds Programme here⬇

Share your experience and ask your questions emailing Matilde at

With Love!