Author Randy Wayne White on "Lunchtime Conversations" 5-29-24
Season 1, Episode 7593, May 29, 2024, 10:54 PM
Subscribe Lunchtime Conversations Wednesday 5/29 features Margo Hammond's interview with author Randy Wayne White about his new book One Deadly Eye and his upcoming local appearances at both restos noon-3pm -Doc Ford's Rum Bar & Grille Jungle Prada 6/2, downtown St. Pete The Pier 6/3 - and Coastal Creative with Tombolo Books June 3 7pm. One Deadly Eye comes out 6/4. From New York Times bestselling author Randy Wayne White, after the deadliest hurricane to hit Florida’s Gulf Coast in a century, Doc Ford must stop a gang of thieves—and worse—during the twelve hours of chaos that follow the passing of a storm’s eye. "Randy Wayne White is a world-class storyteller—and he pulls out all the stops with this category five thriller,” says Alison Gaylin, Edgar Award-winning author of The Collective
For more on Randy, listen to Margo and Nanette Wiser discussion about the author and his books here:
#margohammond #docford #randywaynewhite #books #fishing #docford’srumbar&grille #nanettewiser #hurricanes #coastalcreative #tombolobooks #tampabay #radio #radiostpete #splja2024
For more on Randy, listen to Margo and Nanette Wiser discussion about the author and his books here:
#margohammond #docford #randywaynewhite #books #fishing #docford’srumbar&grille #nanettewiser #hurricanes #coastalcreative #tombolobooks #tampabay #radio #radiostpete #splja2024