HISTORYically St. Pete with Rui Farias; Jessy Breckenridge: Meddling-The Women Who Built St. Petersburg
Season 1, Episode 7609, Jun 01, 2024, 06:29 PM
HISTORYically St. Pete with Rui Farias is a weekly conversation where the St. Petersburg Museum of History executive director explores the truths, and myths of the people and events that created the Sunshine City. Located on the St. Pete Pier, the Museum of History has been sharing the stories of the Sunshine City for 102 years and we are happy to share those stories with you here on this podcast. The late “Godfather of Soul” James Brown, who played the Manhattan Casino back in the day, sang in 1966 that “It’s a man's, man's, world”. But maybe not so much here in the Sunshine City. Today we’re going to look at the roles women played in the history of growth of St. Petersburg. Today’s guest is Jessy Breckenridge, the Archives & Collections Manager for the Museum of History, and curated one of the museum’s most popular exhibits, Meddling – The Women Who Built St. Pete. Somewhere between preserving and protecting our city’s rich history and helping hundreds of residents and researchers discover treasures in our archives, Jessy found the time to curate Meddling, and while doing so, uncovered quite a bit of untold St. Pete history about the pioneering women (business owners, doctors, lawyers and wives/mothers) who helped grow the city and were ahead of their time. They talk about how individual women accomplished amazing feats here in St. Pete but more importantly, how their collaboration and connections steered the path of the city at the early women’s clubs, were much more than just afternoon tea. The history of women’s suffrage, the marches and the protests, is explored and Jessy talks about the struggle for the women’s right to vote in St. Pete. Stop by the Museum of History and to see Medding – The Women Who Built St. Pete, and five other galleries of St. Pete history. The Museum is located on the St. Pete Pier and is open seven days a week. https://spmoh.com/ #history #ruifarias #stpetersburgmuseumofhistory #HISTORYicallystpete #sunshinecity #floridahistory #stpetersburghistory #womensrights #stpetewomen #womenwhobuiltstpete #meddlingwomen # Jessy Breckenridge #tampabay #radio #radiostpete #splja2024