Freaky Bigfoot Encounters and Hairy High Strangeness | 3.18 EXP | Main Release
Jun 03, 2024, 10:36 PM
🔥 Join us for the Youtube Premiere of Expansion Episode 3.18 Tonight at 9pm EST! 🔗
🔥 What you are about to experience is a special release of our members-only Expansion episode: 3.18 EXP | Freaky Bigfoot, Hairy High Strangeness".
Filled with Sasquatch Speculation and mind-bending accounts, this is one of our favorites all the way back from Season Three, and we really hope you guys dig it 🙌
And to you amazing Expansion Members, things are shifting in the Hole.
Because we’re currently moving cross country, there is sadly no new member’s Expansion episode this week, but we hope you understand and will stick with us till our next release 👊
If you’re not a member yet, signup at ( to get access to over a hundred of members-only episode just like this.
Now sit back and enjoy this re-imagining of a classic Belief Hole episode.
🔥 Become a member for more Expansion Episodes like this!
🔥 Sponsor: Criminal Coffee Company
Go to and use our code BELIEFHOLE10 for 10% off your order 👊
02:14 | Topic Introduction - Bizarre Bigfoot and Hairy High Strangeness
03:45 | ‘The Cowman Introduction’ - Bigfoot Horror Story
04:30 | Sasquatch, UFOs, Portals, and Fanny Packs
05:47 | Where the Footprints End - Timothy Renner & Joshua Cutchin
09:51 | Men Stealers - Diary of Elkanah Walker 1840s | QUOTE
13:32 | Mt St Helens Bigfoot Legend and Prevalence of Bigfoot in Washington State
17:50 | Containment Theory Discussion
19:49 | The Cowman of Copalis Beach - S.D. Baker | STORY
20:37 | Bob Gymlan
37:06 | Sponsor: Criminal Coffee
38:59 | Where the Footprints End - Timothy Renner & Joshua Cutchin
39:31 | Bigfoot and Aliens, the UFO Connection
40:12 | Bigfoot/UFO Sighting Comparison Statistic | QUOTE
41:48 | Native Legend - Bigfoot from Craft - Brad Steiger - 1888 Diary | QUOTE
44:08 | Preston Dennett
44:39 | Collector's Zoo | Katharina Wilson | STORY
45:55 | Bigfoot/Big Cats Connection - Eurasia, Minerva Monster
50:16 | Blood and Bone Bias VS High Strangeness Occurrences
52:37 | Bigfoot Recording “I Love You” - Chosen by the Bigfoot - Mike Patterson
1:01:50 | Tiger King Tangent and Bad Karma
1:02:19 | Evil Dead and Army of Darkness Discussion
1:04:52 | Final Thoughts, Jons Reaction and Todd Standing Controversy
Filled with Sasquatch Speculation and mind-bending accounts, this is one of our favorites all the way back from Season Three, and we really hope you guys dig it 🙌
And to you amazing Expansion Members, things are shifting in the Hole.
Because we’re currently moving cross country, there is sadly no new member’s Expansion episode this week, but we hope you understand and will stick with us till our next release 👊
If you’re not a member yet, signup at ( to get access to over a hundred of members-only episode just like this.
Now sit back and enjoy this re-imagining of a classic Belief Hole episode.
🔥 Become a member for more Expansion Episodes like this!
🔥 Sponsor: Criminal Coffee Company
Go to and use our code BELIEFHOLE10 for 10% off your order 👊
02:14 | Topic Introduction - Bizarre Bigfoot and Hairy High Strangeness
03:45 | ‘The Cowman Introduction’ - Bigfoot Horror Story
04:30 | Sasquatch, UFOs, Portals, and Fanny Packs
05:47 | Where the Footprints End - Timothy Renner & Joshua Cutchin
09:51 | Men Stealers - Diary of Elkanah Walker 1840s | QUOTE
13:32 | Mt St Helens Bigfoot Legend and Prevalence of Bigfoot in Washington State
17:50 | Containment Theory Discussion
19:49 | The Cowman of Copalis Beach - S.D. Baker | STORY
20:37 | Bob Gymlan
37:06 | Sponsor: Criminal Coffee
38:59 | Where the Footprints End - Timothy Renner & Joshua Cutchin
39:31 | Bigfoot and Aliens, the UFO Connection
40:12 | Bigfoot/UFO Sighting Comparison Statistic | QUOTE
41:48 | Native Legend - Bigfoot from Craft - Brad Steiger - 1888 Diary | QUOTE
44:08 | Preston Dennett
44:39 | Collector's Zoo | Katharina Wilson | STORY
45:55 | Bigfoot/Big Cats Connection - Eurasia, Minerva Monster
50:16 | Blood and Bone Bias VS High Strangeness Occurrences
52:37 | Bigfoot Recording “I Love You” - Chosen by the Bigfoot - Mike Patterson
1:01:50 | Tiger King Tangent and Bad Karma
1:02:19 | Evil Dead and Army of Darkness Discussion
1:04:52 | Final Thoughts, Jons Reaction and Todd Standing Controversy