Money Bootcamp: Money and Emotions

Jun 13, 2024, 03:00 PM

Created by consumer financial journalist Maya Fisher-French and financial coach Mapalo Makhu, the Santam Insure your Future Money Bootcamp is a podcast designed to help you create your own financial money journey.

In this special series, we bring you the transformative journey of financial education. Over the next six months, through 13 episodes, we will guide you step-by-step on how to take control of your finances.

The podcasts will be realised every second week and you can follow the various steps of the money bootcamp with access to the documents and spreadsheets discussed in this podcast which you can fill in as you go along the journey by clicking on this link 

In this introductory episode, we delve into the relationship between money and emotions. We discuss the fundamental importance of understanding your emotional connection to money as the first step in your financial journey. We share personal anecdotes and insights from our experiences working with individuals who have undergone significant financial transformations.

Listeners will learn about the various aspects of financial planning that will be covered in future episodes, including budgeting for daily expenses and major life events, managing healthy and unhealthy debt, distinguishing between saving and investing, and understanding life insurance, medical schemes, and retirement planning. Basically, we will cover all of those aspects that you need to put together your own financial plan
This episode also features a compelling story from Andiswa, who shares how completing a money mindset questionnaire helped her and her husband understand their financial emotions and improve their communication about money. Complete the money mindset questionnaire available under Resources and share your insights.