Sunday Roast featuring Jonathan Dickson from OTC markets and Sapan Ghai, Chief Commercial Officer of Sovereign Metals #OTC #SVML #ATN #KDR #GMET #INC #ELEG #KEN #HE1 #FCM #POW
Season 8, Episode 20, Jun 16, 2024, 10:45 AM
This week's Sunday Roast podcast features Jonathan Dickson from OTC Markets and Sapan Ghai, Chief Commercial Officer of Sovereign Metals. Join Phil Carroll and Kevin Hornsby as they discuss the latest top news stories and market movers. Sapan delves into the exciting developments at Sovereign Metals' Kasiya rutile pilot plant, what it means for the project and the Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS), and how Rio Tinto is aiding in marketing and advancing the assets. Jonathan Dixon talks about the inception of OTC Markets and how it aims to add liquidity to the Stocks. Don't miss this insightful episode!
0:00 - 6:11 Weekly News Roundup
6:11 - 19:29 #OTC interview
19:29 - 32:52 #SVML interview
34:44 - #GMET
36:44 - #INC
37:12 - #GMET
37:46 - #ELEG
40:11 - #HE1
40:39 - #KEN
41:25 - #FCM
41:55 - #POW (Shout out to Shaun Wade )
Disclaimer & Declaration of Interest
The information, investment views, and recommendations in this podcast are provided for general information purposes only. Nothing in this podcast should be construed as a solicitation to buy or sell any financial product relating to any companies under discussion or to engage in or refrain from doing so or engaging in any other transaction. Any opinions or comments are made to the best of the knowledge and belief of the commentator but no responsibility is accepted for actions based on such opinions or comments. The commentators may or may not hold investments in the companies under discussion
0:00 - 6:11 Weekly News Roundup
6:11 - 19:29 #OTC interview
19:29 - 32:52 #SVML interview
34:44 - #GMET
36:44 - #INC
37:12 - #GMET
37:46 - #ELEG
40:11 - #HE1
40:39 - #KEN
41:25 - #FCM
41:55 - #POW (Shout out to Shaun Wade )
Disclaimer & Declaration of Interest
The information, investment views, and recommendations in this podcast are provided for general information purposes only. Nothing in this podcast should be construed as a solicitation to buy or sell any financial product relating to any companies under discussion or to engage in or refrain from doing so or engaging in any other transaction. Any opinions or comments are made to the best of the knowledge and belief of the commentator but no responsibility is accepted for actions based on such opinions or comments. The commentators may or may not hold investments in the companies under discussion