Chapter 26 | This Is Going To Ruin The Tour with Kim & Kara

Season 2, Episode 29,   Jun 26, 2024, 08:30 AM


Here's how Kim and Kara have "the talk" while walking the walk with their own children. Typical shenanigans ensue.

What Tour?
K&K are back discussing Eminem, their admiration for the Paris Hilton renaissance,  the upcoming anniversary of Kara's kidnapping, and the support they've received from their captive audience.
Diving straight into the deep pool of dark humor, Kara prepares to launch new merch following a series of unhinged texts from Kim, kicked off by this early 2000's Nike ad.
Consent conversations with their children highlight the importance of having open and age-appropriate conversations with kids about subjects like sexuality, pornography, and menstruation. Helpful videos from Planned Parenthood are referenced. They emphasize the need for ongoing communication and being a reliable source of information for their children, because as Kim says, "if they aren't hearing it from you, they're going to hear it from somewhere". 
Both ladies touch on the importance of consent and the challenges of discussing their own experiences of sexual assault with their kids. 
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The theme music used in Survivor’s Guide to True Crime is Uplifting Motivational Stomp by MarcusWay