The Power of Stories | Suryagupta
Jun 28, 2024, 08:00 AM
A three-part series on 'The Language of the Depths' by Suryagupta, the Chair of the London Buddhist Centre. Listen for an exploration of what is beyond the conscious mind, beyond our current awareness, and below the surface of our experience -- accessing our most essential nature.
The language of the depths includes the power of stories, symbols and sound. These powers enable us to grow by accessing the depths quickly and connecting to what's most important.
In this episode, hear about the power of stories, and how stories help us make meaning of our experiences. We can choose the stories we tell ourselves, from stories that constrict us to stories which set us free. Listen in for a mythical, archetypal story with messages for our lives today.
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The language of the depths includes the power of stories, symbols and sound. These powers enable us to grow by accessing the depths quickly and connecting to what's most important.
In this episode, hear about the power of stories, and how stories help us make meaning of our experiences. We can choose the stories we tell ourselves, from stories that constrict us to stories which set us free. Listen in for a mythical, archetypal story with messages for our lives today.
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