Aline Motta with Alex Ungprateeb Flynn

Season 3, Episode 5,   Jun 28, 2024, 11:00 AM

Alex Ungprateeb Flynn is Assistant Professor and Graduate Vice Chair at the Department of World Arts and Cultures/Dance, University of California, Los Angeles. Working with activists, curators, and artists in Brasil, Alex investigates the prefigurative potential of art in community contexts to theorize the production of knowledge, notions of utopia, and social and aesthetic dimensions of form. Framed by a collaborative methodological approach, Alex fundamentally inquires how human beings express themselves artistically, and in doing so, seek to transform the world.
X/ Insta: alexungprateebf

With her artistic practice, Aline Motta (b. 1974, Niterói, Brazil) seeks to point out and fill in the gaps in her own family history as a result of colonial erasure. Her videos, photographs, installations, and performances are based on speculative studies that mix archival research, field trips, and oral history reports that she uses to access, nourish, and reveal parts of the past that were previously thought to be lost. In 2023, she exhibited in the Sharjah Biennial 15 (UAE), at MoMA Museum of Modern Art and the 35th São Paulo Biennial.

Insta: 1alinemotta (Instagram)

The link to article featuring the full interview: