6.10 | Camp Creeply 5 - True Paranormal Encounters in the Wood

Jul 02, 2024, 01:42 AM

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Summer has finally arrived, tents are being pitched and trails explored. I’ts a time of year where we try and really touch the natural world, but sometimes we find, the things that haunt the wild, that creep in the darkest parts of the wood, sometimes want to touch us back, and sometimes, not let go.

From disembodied hands appearing in tents to ten foot tall mimics eerily beckoning from the tree-line, join us on this episode of Belief Hole, as we open the gates and ignite the fire, and welcome you back home to the grounds of Camp Creeply!

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00:00 | Episode Trailer
05:55 | Golden Eyes | 2011 | Shelby Moon
13:20 | Bunkbed Lurkers | Marshall Petrisor
26:33 | The Green Hand | Maine | 2002/2003 | Morgan
32:00 | I Watched Myself Through Something Else’s Eyes | Pinecrest Lake, Pinecrest California | 2011 | Sierra
38:20 | Detective Perspective Promo
40:33 | Muttering of Men | 2018 | New York | Cody
50:58 | Episode Sponsor: Aura Security | 2 Week Free Trial
53:05 | Almost Taken | George Washington National Forest in VA | 2013 | William McBride
1:04:02 | Walker in the Wood | 2000 | Lindsay Maves
1:08:22 | Screaming Hoard | Edger
1:19:52 | Cougar | Kootenay Lake, British Columbia | June 2024 | Wade
1:27:59 | New Merch Update
1:28:38 | Come join Discord!
1:28:59 | Thank Yous!

📕 Show Notes