Mysteries and Monsters: Episode 298 Crows and Ravens: Mystery, Myth and Magic with Rick De Yampter

Jul 22, 2024, 02:00 AM

Rick Deyampert, joins me to discuss the magical history of two of the most well known members of the corvid family, whose influence on popular culture remains as strong as ever today.

The crow and his cousin, the raven, are featured players in many cultures throughout the world, including Norse, Celtic, Jewish, and Indigenous traditions, Exploring history, folklore, mythology, and science, the book gives you a unique look at two of the most popular magical creatures of all time.

Rick's art can be found here:

His website is here:

His band is here:

A big thank you to Rick for joining me this week.

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All artwork by Dean Bestall and the show was produced by Brennan Storr of the Ghost Story Guys. 

Our theme music is kindly provided by the amazing Weary Pines, you can find them here: 
Intro - Zombies Ate My Shotgun    
Outro - Into The Night     
Mysteries and Monsters is a part of the Straight Up Strange Network. 

#RickDeyampert #Corvid #Crow #Raven #Magical #Spiritual #Pagan #Wiccan #Norse #Jewish #NativeAmerican #Portent #EdgarAllenPoe #Odin #Gilgamesh #Llewellyn #Caw #Supernatural #FirstNations