Trail - Airing Pain 145: Rethinking Pain: Pain in the Community
Aug 07, 2024, 06:55 AM
Coming 14th August: This edition of Airing Pain centres on rethinking the traditional clinician-patient relationship in pain management and exploring alternative approaches to bringing pain management back into the community.
Is the 1-to-1 doctor-patient consultation the best we can do? How can we help people to feel more empowered in managing their own pain? Our contributors are experts in pain management, research, and community engagement; find out what they have to say in the latest edition of Airing Pain, coming soon.
The interviews were recorded at the British Pain Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting, 2024.
Dr Barbara Phipps, Practising NHS GP and Teaching Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, currently running a community based Chronic Pain management service within the NHS. Barbara has a special interest in Lifestyle Medicine, and is a trustee of the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine.
Dr Jackie Walumbe, Clinical Academic Advance Practice Physiotherapist in the Complex Pain Team at University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Honorary Research Fellow at University of Oxford.
Professor Mark Johnson, Professor of Pain and Analgesia and Director of the Leeds Beckett Pain Team (Centre for Pain Research) at Leeds Beckett University.
Dr Kate Thompson, Senior Lecturer and Researcher at Leeds Beckett University, with a background in physiotherapy and special interest in pain research.
Kerry Page, Programme Lead for Rethinking Pain, the chronic pain community service based in Bradford District and Craven.
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