Special Guest - Judge George Greer (Terry Schiavo case)
In this week’s episode of Peter’s Proffer, we’re thrilled to welcome onto the show retired Pinellas County Judge George Greer to talk about some of his most high profile and controversial cases — including the infamous Terri Schiavo case. Listen in to hear Judge Greer share what it was like to be a judge.✅ For business inquiries contact me at info@greeklaw.com✅ Let's connect: www.tragoslaw.comTwitter - @tragoslawInstagram - /tragoslawFacebook - /tragoslawTikTok - /tragoslawhttps://www.tragosl...
In this week’s episode of Peter’s Proffer, we’re thrilled to welcome onto the show retired Pinellas County Judge George Greer to talk about some of his most high profile and controversial cases — including the infamous Terri Schiavo case. Listen in to hear Judge Greer share what it was like to be a judge.
✅ For business inquiries contact me at info@greeklaw.com
✅ Let's connect: www.tragoslaw.com
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