Episode 181: Nightmare Horror Stories
‘Many things can scare us, depending on our personal fears and experiences. Common fears include darkness, heights, or spiders because they can make us feel unsafe. The unknown, like strange noises at night, can also be scary because we don't know what's causing them. Horror stories and movies often play on these fears, using suspense, creepy settings, or sudden surprises to make us feel scared. Sometimes, the fear of failure or losing someone we love can also be very frightening…’
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Today’s first offering is ‘The Hollows and the Hills’, an original story by Chili 1220, kindly shared directly with me for the express purpose of having me exclusively narrate it here for you all.
Today’s second story is ‘Into the Maw’, an original work by Names James 0933, kindly shared directly with me for the express purpose of having me exclusively narrate it here for you all [This story was originally titled: ‘Nightmare’].