Rachel Dalinka: Opening Doors #EP!

Episode 122,   Aug 27, 2024, 06:27 PM


True Crime True Story Network

Episode 1

Opening Doors



Episode Description

In this powerful inaugural episode of the Opening Doors Podcast, host Rachel Dalinka opens up about her deeply personal journey through trauma, addiction, and healing. Rachel shares her story of growing up with a father who was a brilliant attorney but also struggled with cocaine addiction, leading to a tumultuous childhood marked by chaos, loss, and shame. Through candid reflections, Rachel discusses the impact of trauma on her life and how she has worked to overcome it. She introduces the “Four S’s”—Support, Self-care, Service, and Spirituality—as key components of her healing process. This episode sets the tone for the podcast, which aims to provide a platform for sharing stories of overcoming adversity, fostering understanding, and finding hope and resilience.

Episode Takeaways:

Trauma can significantly impact both childhood and adult life, but it is possible to heal and grow from it.
The “Four S’s” (Support, Self-care, Service, and Spirituality) are vital tools for healing from trauma.
Sharing personal stories and connecting with others can reduce the burden of shame and isolation.
Healing is a continuous journey that involves addressing and working through past traumas.
It’s important to find a higher power or source of strength, whatever that may be for each individual.
Key Resources and Links Mentioned:

Coda Third Step Prayer: https://coda.org/meeting-materials/third-step-prayer/
Codependents Anonymous (CODA)
Al-Anon Family Groups
EMDR Therapy: https://www.emdria.org/about-emdr-therapy/

What Happened To You: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience and Healing  – Oprah and Dr. Bruce Perry
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma – Dr. Bessel van der Kolk
Support Groups-Resources:

Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families: https://adultchildren.org/meeting-search/
Co-Dependents Anonymous (CODA) - https://coda.org/
Children of Incarcerated Parents: CAP4Kids -Philadelphia: https://cap4kids.org/philadelphia/parent-handouts/parenting-foster-care-adoption/incarceration-resources/
Rainbows for All Children: https://rainbows.org/
Support for Children dealing with Grief from many traumas, including incarcerated parents

We Got Us Now: https://www.wegotusnow.org
National Resource Center on Children & Families of the Incarcerated – Rutgers Camden: https://nrccfi.camden.rutgers.edu/resources/directory/national-programs/
Children of Incarcerated Parents: https://youth.gov - https://youth.gov/youth-topics/children-of-incarcerated-parents/tools-guides-resources
Sesame workshop: https://sesameworkshop.org/topics/incarceration/
If this episode resonated with you, please subscribe to the Opening Doors Podcast and share it with others who might benefit from these stories. Please visit https://openingdoorspodcast.com/ for resources and to subscribe to the newsletter. Remember, healing is a journey, and you don’t have to walk it alone. Let’s open those doors together.

Episode Description

In this powerful inaugural episode of the Opening Doors Podcast, host Rachel Dalinka opens up about her deeply personal journey through trauma, addiction, and healing. Rachel shares her story of growing up with a father who was a brilliant attorney but also struggled with cocaine addiction, leading to a tumultuous childhood marked by chaos, loss, and shame. Through candid reflections, Rachel discusses the impact of trauma on her life and how she has worked to overcome it. She introduces the “Four S’s”—Support, Self-care, Service, and Spirituality—as key components of her healing process. This episode sets the tone for the podcast, which aims to provide a platform for sharing stories of overcoming adversity, fostering understanding, and finding hope and resilience.

Episode Takeaways:

Trauma can significantly impact both childhood and adult life, but it is possible to heal and grow from it.
The “Four S’s” (Support, Self-care, Service, and Spirituality) are vital tools for healing from trauma.
Sharing personal stories and connecting with others can reduce the burden of shame and isolation.
Healing is a continuous journey that involves addressing and working through past traumas.
It’s important to find a higher power or source of strength, whatever that may be for each individual.
Key Resources and Links Mentioned:

Coda Third Step Prayer: https://coda.org/meeting-materials/third-step-prayer/
Codependents Anonymous (CODA)
Al-Anon Family Groups
EMDR Therapy: https://www.emdria.org/about-emdr-therapy/

What Happened To You: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience and Healing  – Oprah and Dr. Bruce Perry
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma – Dr. Bessel van der Kolk
Support Groups-Resources:

Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families: https://adultchildren.org/meeting-search/
Co-Dependents Anonymous (CODA) - https://coda.org/
Children of Incarcerated Parents: CAP4Kids -Philadelphia: https://cap4kids.org/philadelphia/parent-handouts/parenting-foster-care-adoption/incarceration-resources/
Rainbows for All Children: https://rainbows.org/
Support for Children dealing with Grief from many traumas, including incarcerated parents

We Got Us Now: https://www.wegotusnow.org
National Resource Center on Children & Families of the Incarcerated – Rutgers Camden: https://nrccfi.camden.rutgers.edu/resources/directory/national-programs/
Children of Incarcerated Parents: https://youth.gov - https://youth.gov/youth-topics/children-of-incarcerated-parents/tools-guides-resources
Sesame workshop: https://sesameworkshop.org/topics/incarceration/
If this episode resonated with you, please subscribe to the Opening Doors Podcast and share it with others who might benefit from these stories. Please visit https://openingdoorspodcast.com/ for resources and to subscribe to the newsletter. Remember, healing is a journey, and you don’t have to walk it alone. Let’s open those doors together.


Rachel A. Dalinka
RAD Consulting
Keystone First Consultant
Public Affairs and Marketing

Join Me on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/racheldalinka/