ILL-BEHAVED WOMEN with LL Kirchner 8/28
Season 2, Episode 48, Aug 27, 2024, 10:54 PM
(LC 8/28) Ill-Behaved Women is a newsletter, community space, and podcast celebrating women who have made and who are making history. Because history is already littered with the untold stories of women. L.L. Kirchner is a podcast host, a voracious reader, unabashed feminist, fangirl, novelist, and author of a lot of stories about women (including my own in the form of two memoirs). Her podcast dives into the stories of women who refuse to be silenced, sidelined, or well-behaved in the face of injustice. "I'm your host, avid reader, pop culture junkie, and author of The Queenpin Chronicles, a series that delves into women exploring what it means to be free post WW2, LL Kirchner, and today we've got a powerful lineup of stories that will inform, inspire, and maybe even infuriate you – in the best way possible."
In this episode of Ill Behaved Women, Kirchner riffs on the DNC, Kamala Harris, the Taliban's push to turn back the clock, from women's rights to wearing hajib, the debate on abortion and women's rights to their bodies, and so much more.
Her most recent book, Florida Girls, is a romp back in time with a troupe of swimsuit models on a war bond tour who take on the Florida mafia. "Between you and me, it’s a vehicle for exploring the issues that have faced women for years," says Kirchner. But what is ill-behaved? Because this is my space, I get to define it. I sure as hell don’t want other people to defining it for me. It’s a regular check-in about unforgettable women you may or may not have heard of, in the news, in books, in history, and in must-watch big and small screen moments.
--Florida Girls is now available on audio!
--She has two upcoming talks in St. Petersburg in September.
--To book her as a speaker or for you book club, go to her website.
#radiostpete #llkirchner #author #illbehavedwomen #currentevents #womenissues
#feminism #floridagirls #stpete #stpetefl #tampabay #radio
Her most recent book, Florida Girls, is a romp back in time with a troupe of swimsuit models on a war bond tour who take on the Florida mafia. "Between you and me, it’s a vehicle for exploring the issues that have faced women for years," says Kirchner. But what is ill-behaved? Because this is my space, I get to define it. I sure as hell don’t want other people to defining it for me. It’s a regular check-in about unforgettable women you may or may not have heard of, in the news, in books, in history, and in must-watch big and small screen moments.
--Florida Girls is now available on audio!
--She has two upcoming talks in St. Petersburg in September.
--To book her as a speaker or for you book club, go to her website.
#radiostpete #llkirchner #author #illbehavedwomen #currentevents #womenissues
#feminism #floridagirls #stpete #stpetefl #tampabay #radio