Season 1, Episode 7, Aug 29, 2024, 01:00 AM
Join Paul as he discusses the tough road to recovery with his friend Yasmin. From a childhood in Northeast London to a reckless young adult life in and around Southern California, Yasmin has a long history of trauma, addiction and dangerous behaviour. She has not only overcome bulimia and alcoholism but has also addressed her reliance on prescription medications. Yasmin eloquently reveals the terror she felt when facing giving up drinking alcohol, which she thought was the only way to bring colour to her otherwise black and white existence. Amongst other heartfelt confessions, Yasmin shares details of her shame following blackouts, and how she has learned to stop identifying as a victim and become the strong and sober woman she is today. This is a conversation not to be missed.
If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, there are plenty of resources on the Stride Foundation website: https://stridefoundation.com/
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Find Paul on Instagram @paulsculfor
If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, there are plenty of resources on the Stride Foundation website: https://stridefoundation.com/
Watch all our episodes on YouTube @thisispowerfulwithpaulsculfor
Find This Is Powerful on Instagram @this_ispowerful
Find Paul on Instagram @paulsculfor