BEan Yourself w/Andrés Cintrón: Yoleidy Rosario on Diversity & Community

Season 2, Episode 70,   Sep 03, 2024, 05:41 PM

The BEan Yourself podcast is your go-to podcast for exploring different identities. Hosted by a higher education professional, Andrés Cintrón, you'll hear from other guests as they discuss the complexities of identities.   On E12 of BEan Yourself, host Andres Cintron talks with Yoleidy Rosario, higher education professional and artist to talk about Diversity & Community about working within DEI, as Chief Diversity Officer at New College and starting a new non-profit art organization, Mosaic Movements.
Facebook:, IG: bean.yourself

About Andrés Cintrón Andrés considers himself an educator at heart and works full-time at the University of South Florida St. Pete as a Career Counselor for the Muma College of Business, and has been in the Higher Education field since 2017.  Andrés earned a Masters in Counseling in 2019. Andrés is also the current President of the 13th Street Heights Neighborhood Association, the new CONA Public Safety Chair, and a recent graduate of the CONA Leadership Program. Andrés has been a resident of St. Pete since Aug 2023. Andrés enjoys engaging with others in deep conversations that foster understanding and growth and believes that in order to foster deeper relationships as human beings, we need to listen and understand each other's perspectives and lived experiences. Throughout his career, Andrés has had the opportunity to meet with an array of professionals, students, and community partners. Andrés decided to start the BEan Yourself podcast to provide others the opportunity to voice themselves with the hopes of learning from others' own lived experiences and identities as well as with the hopes of educating others. Follow him on IG:bean.yourself

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