Monster Men of the Reservation and Otherworldly Odors | 6.9 EXP - Special Release

Sep 09, 2024, 03:44 AM

πŸ”₯ Youtube premiere happening now! Come say Hi in the Chat πŸ”₯
8:45pm PST / 11:45pm EST - πŸ”—πŸ‘‰
The night air is brisk, and the reservation is quiet. Too quiet. Something is coming. Something strange and foul. You can taste it in the air and smell it on the wind.

Be warned! Flare those nostrils, my friends, and prepare to hide! For the Monster Men are afoot 🀫

On this Expansion episode, we journey once again to the American southwest and explore fascinating accounts of reservation run-ins with entities from elsewhere.

Then, we sniff deeper the odor of the strange with bizarre accounts from Whitley Strieber and Preston Dennett, to see if there might be a stinky thread of truth stitching these anomalous encounters together.

Join us, won't you, on this wet and weird Expansion episode πŸ‘ƒ

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πŸ“• Full Show Notes:

⏰ Timestamps
01:35 | Topic Introduction: Ardy Sixkiller Clarke: Space Age Indians-Encounters with Blue Men, Reptilians, and Other Star People
04:05 | The Blue Men And a Speeding Train | Story
11:20 | Reptilian Encounter Smell | Quote
13:04 | The Monster Lizard Men P1 | Story
19:22 | The Monster Lizard Men P2 | Story
29:07 | Sponsor: Miracle Made Sheets!
30:39 | Oooo That Smell!: Preston’s Book - Not From Here Vol. 2
33:31 | You Can Let Me Smell You: Whitley Strieber | Story
36:18 | Whitley Strieber - Another Smell Account | Story
43:21 | A Terrible Stench | Gustafson and Rydberg | Switzerland | December 20th, 1958 | Story
46:05 | The Why Files Shoutout!
48:06 | Distortion Theory, Fairy Rings and Saucer Nests
50:45 | An Odor like Wet Fur | Story
1:00:06 | Like Burning Sulfur | Story
1:03:07 | Conclusions and Theories
1:09:15 | Clinton’s Story