30 Years of RNIB ECLOs - Roundtable

Season 2, Episode 785,   Oct 24, 2024, 10:30 AM

Did you know that 2024 marks 30 years since RNIB provided its very first Eye Care Liaison Officer (ECLO)?
We’ve come a long way since the very first ECLO at Rotherham District General Hospital in 1994 and now have more than 130 RNIB ECLOs supporting people across the UK.

To celebrate RNIB Connect Radio hosted an anniversary roundtable featuring people involved in delivering the service.

Here’s Amelia Hilton talking with panellists Lynn Martin, manager of Corneo-Plastic Unit at the Queen Victoria Hospital in West Sussex, Matt Bower Allocations Manager in the Eye Care Support Service at RNIB, Holly Muncey ECLO at Broomfield Hospital and Orsett Hospital in Essex, and Nathan Richards ECLO at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham.

For more information about 30 years of RNIB ECLOs visit: website

Image: A white square with colourful bursting fireworks going across the bottom into the right bottom corner. In the middle: a black circle with 'RNIB' written in bold white letters, underlined with a bold pink line and '30' below. The words 'years of ECLOs' gently curve with the bottom of the circle under the number.  So, you can read the text as 'RNIB, 30 years of ECLOs.'