This is how your narcissistic mother triangulates between you and your partner/husband & how to stop it
Season 2, Episode 84, Oct 29, 2024, 06:09 AM
#triangulation #narcissisticparents #narcissisticmanipulation #triangulationseries
Have you ever found yourself having to choose between your mother and your partner?
Does your mother criticises or gossips about your partner when with you?
One way a narcissistic mother can triangulate is between you and your partner/husband. This can happen with a new partner you are introducing for the first time or with your husband for years. And it is a toxic dynamic that can prove very damaging to your relationship.
In this episode I share some of the main ways a narcissistic mother can triangulate between you and your partner, so you can recognise it, and how you can put an end to it.
💥Download your FREE Roadmap to Boundary Setting here⬇
Related episodes:
14 Signs of Triangulation with Your Narcissistic Mother & Your Number 1 Defence
Wedding Planning with a Narcissistic Mother - What can happen & How to deal with
All the links you will need⬇
Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here:
Sign up to the Newsletter here💌
Apply to Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here:
Apply to the 1:1 Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds 10 Weeks Programme here:
With Love!
#daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #maternalnarcissism #healingmotherwounds #childhoodtrauma #narcissisticparents #podcast #womencircles #innertransformation #triangulation #manipulationtactic #maternalnarcissismandrelationships #narcissisticabuse #relationships #healingrelationships
Have you ever found yourself having to choose between your mother and your partner?
Does your mother criticises or gossips about your partner when with you?
One way a narcissistic mother can triangulate is between you and your partner/husband. This can happen with a new partner you are introducing for the first time or with your husband for years. And it is a toxic dynamic that can prove very damaging to your relationship.
In this episode I share some of the main ways a narcissistic mother can triangulate between you and your partner, so you can recognise it, and how you can put an end to it.
💥Download your FREE Roadmap to Boundary Setting here⬇
Related episodes:
14 Signs of Triangulation with Your Narcissistic Mother & Your Number 1 Defence
Wedding Planning with a Narcissistic Mother - What can happen & How to deal with
All the links you will need⬇
Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here:
Sign up to the Newsletter here💌
Apply to Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here:
Apply to the 1:1 Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds 10 Weeks Programme here:
With Love!
#daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #maternalnarcissism #healingmotherwounds #childhoodtrauma #narcissisticparents #podcast #womencircles #innertransformation #triangulation #manipulationtactic #maternalnarcissismandrelationships #narcissisticabuse #relationships #healingrelationships