The Longest, Most Public MFA Ever

Episode 420,   Nov 01, 2024, 04:01 AM


Tim Grahl wanted to learn to write fiction. How he did it will amaze you.

I couldn’t resist the subtitle, kids, sorry. It’s not that shocking—but Tim’s journey was definitely only for the bold.

I’ve known Tim Grahl—or known of him—for more than a decade. I watched him help writers like Dan Pink launch their non-fiction books onto the best seller list, and devoured and followed his excellent advice about launching my own books (which you can find here at Then I watched—or rather, listened—as he pivoted into the world of fiction, enlisting editor Shaun Coyne to join him on a podcast and help him use Coyne’s Storygrid method to work on what eventually, after many revisions and a whole lot of failing in public, became Tim’s first novel, The Threshing. At the same time, he and Shaun were building Storygrid into what’s not just a business, but a huge community of writers and editors. He’s just published his second novel, The Shithead, a very different book from the first… I call it The Firm meets The Alchemist; Tim prefers Fleishman Is In Trouble meets Faust. Both work. 

We talk Tim’s sideways journey into fiction, and then we talk craft—in particular, how to learn what you don’t know, the myth of the lone writer in a cabin and the importance of feedback and then we dig into a passionate discussion of theme.

You can check out The Shithead here

Links from the pod


Shaun Coyne’s book, Storygrid

The Prince of Tides, Pat Conroy

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

The Accidental Tourist, Breathing Lessons by Anne Tyler

(KJ also mentions Redhead by the Side of the Road)

The Husband’s Secret, What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty

Heads up! This is probably the only time you’ll see this

Join me—KJ—for Novelmber, which is very hard to pronounce but is my word for reclaiming my writing space in November. Think NaNoWriMo, our version—daily challenges and stretch goals, formatted by you, for you.

There will be write-alongs, posts, a massive Google spreadsheet for sharing goals and updating progress, thoughts on how hard this is, and more than you want to know about why I need this regroup so badly. All writers, every genre, welcome. 

This is sign-up only—I don’t plan to spam the whole #AmWriting community with my wails of writerly distress daily for an entire month—but it’s also for everyone who wants in. I hope you’ll join me—I don’t want to go this alone. 

 Don’t worry, signing up is simple! Here’s how:

Click here to go to your #AmWriting account, and when you see this screen, toggle “Novelmber” from “off” (grey) to “on” (green).


Once you set that up, you’ll get all future Novelmber emails. Any audio or video will show up in those, along with write-along schedules. 

You’ll also want to add yourself to the Google Sheet where we’ll all record our overall goal, day’s goals, daily progress and what we’re feeling. I’ve started it off. 

Join me for the first write-alongs HERE. (That’s a link to my Zoom Room.) I’ll be sitting there: 

Friday, November 1 10:30-12:30 (ALL TIMES EST)

Monday, November 4 10:30-12:30

Tuesday, November 5, 2:00-4:00

More times coming. Join me, help me, let’s make Novelmber WORK!