Roger Bartlett: A Musical Homage to Greg "Fingers" Taylor, Harmonica Legend
Season 2, Episode 233, Nov 12, 2024, 04:44 PM
001 Coral Reefer Roger Bartlett is back from Key West annual Duvall Street festival, filming a documentary and a Texas Chainsaw Massacre 50th anniversary celebration where he played his theme song. Nanette Wiser caught up with him on the release of this homage to friend and fellow musician Greg "Fingers" Taylor, the harmonica legend who played with the Coral Reefers and Jimmy Buffett and passed Nov. 23, 2023. In honor of the first year anniversary of his passing, Roger and Greg's son Steven Taylor released this single Single Boy this week. The single is available on Songwriters Forum; a donation of the sales will be donated to the Alzheimers' Association. (Taylor died from Alzheimers.)
The Palladium's Coral Reefers concert with Roger Bartlett has been rescheduled for Jan. 11, 2025. TICKETS:
#rogerbartlett #gregtaylor #steventaylor #coralreefers #singleboy #music #palladiumtheater #nanettewiser
The Palladium's Coral Reefers concert with Roger Bartlett has been rescheduled for Jan. 11, 2025. TICKETS:
#rogerbartlett #gregtaylor #steventaylor #coralreefers #singleboy #music #palladiumtheater #nanettewiser