Paul O'Mahony is TIRED after drive to Limerick & "Empowering Each Other" #DecPodPoMo Day 7/31

Season 202412, Episode 7,   Dec 09, 06:32 PM

This was recorded on Sunday 8th December 2024. Contains talk about a family experience - a  #Toastmasters club meeting - and a rugby match.

"I'm tired I really am I drove up to Limerick and back from Limerick today I went up because it's my wife's dad's anniversary of her father's death one year ago and there was a family religious service a mass from Catholic mass Specially for the occasion and then the others went and had a meal for quite a few members of the family there I'd say about at least at least 10 or 12 maybe more but I had to leave I'm not go to the not go to the meal I would've loved to have gone but I am president of a toast club and it match at 1 o'clock in the day and I missed the last meeting so I felt I really ought to go to this one I was the MC of the meeting you know if somebody else had to do that bro I've had to pull out or maybe two weeks ago so Didn't I did to play the MC role I did enjoyed it I must say there were about four people are five who were or even six people were not members of the club people wearing other close masters clubs the theme of the meeting wasn't powering each other and that's what we did really We party each other by paying attention to each other this was all online so this was zoom so by being there for each other paying attention to each other whenever people were speaking we all did our best to look at them so it wouldn't look like oh you just had your head down all the screens were on for most of the Time when somebody was about to give a speech they got applause and when they finished it they got applause later on their speech got will be called it evaluated that means somebody individual gives bit like the high points and the points where the speech could be improved it It was very good but I have to say I was very tired driving back to cork got dark at the end but while it was nice it wasn't so bad and I'm now sitting down with a cup of tea and had one cup of tea or J and that's when I arrived in Limerick and I'm gonna put my fever up and is 13 minutes Rugby match between Lancaster and one of the provinces in Ireland and very strong team and breast Bristol which I don't think are very strong team but I could be wrong and that's why I'm really do so there it is that's a bit from my day today I drink I drink tea proper tea okay I'm doing a episode of my podcast every day in December so far I think I've made seven episodes of eight days so I'll have to do an extra one at substage I hope you enjoyed this I hope you're keeping very well. (Transcription by Voice Record Pro)