A Guided Tour of the Louis Braille Museum

Season 2, Episode 893,   Jan 04, 09:00 AM

On World Braille Day 2025 as we mark the day that Louis Braille was born (4 January 1809) and in the year where we all celebrate 200 years since Louis Braille invented his six-dot tactile reading and writing system that we all know as Braille do join our Toby Davey for an amazing guided tour of the Louis Braille Museum. 

The Louis Braille Museum is located in the actual Braille family home where Louis grew up in the village of Coupvray just over 30 miles from the centre of Paris which includes his Father’s workshop where he had the accident that caused his blindness.

Farida Saïdi the Director of the Louis Braille Museum gave RNIB Connect Radio’s Toby Davey a guided tour of both the house and museum, giving an insight into Louis Braille’s early life and how he came to invent his six-dot tactile reading and writing system.  Farida very kindly also offered Toby the opportunity to explore through touch some of Louis’ belongings including one of his raised letter school books, a domino that he had played with plus the Braille slate he used to write his Braille on. 

You will find more information about the Louis Braille Museum by visiting there website - https://museelouisbraille.com/en

More details about how the RNIB is celebrating 200 years since Louis Braille invented Braille and be found on the following pages of the RNIB website - https://www.rnib.org.uk/about-us/braille-200/

Image shows Toby stood in front of the Louis Braille Museum holding his cane in his right hand