The Good Listening To Show with Chris Grimes - Episode 104

Episode 104,   Jan 18, 04:02 AM


The Good Listening To Show is the Desert Island Discs of UKHR. This feel-good Storytelling Show that brings you ‘The Clearing’. Where all good Questions come to be asked - and all good Stories come to be told… Think Stories rather than Music! “Who are you? What’s your Story? And what “life’s-lessons-learned-along-your-way” would you like to share with us?” There are some lovely juicy Storytelling Metaphors to also enjoy along our way.

Episode 104 - Story of Distinction - Ita O’Brien, Intimacy Co-Ordinator for Stage, TV and Film on how to Enable Actors and Directors to Explore Intimacy-on-Set in Complete Safety.

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