30: The Lucis Trust
Jan 13, 05:00 AM
The Lucis Trust is a nonprofit service organization incorporated in the United States in 1922 by Alice Bailey, to act as a fiduciary trust for the publishing of twenty-four books of esoteric, occult philosophy published under her name, and to fund and administer activities concerned with the establishment of "right human relations". These include the Arcane School, a school for esoteric training, World Goodwill, Triangles, a lending library, The Beacon magazine, as well as the publishing company. But what is its connection to the United Nations?
Joel explores the mysterious Lucis Trust dating back to its days as the Lucifer Publishing Company. Its origins in Theosophy were created by the mystic and self-proclaimed World Teacher, Helena Blavatsky, and her interactions with the mysterious Hidden Masters of Tibet. After exploring the occult teachings from The Lucis Trust's own website, Joel looks at Alice Bailey's 10 Points to Destroy Christianity and the real underlying goal of the organization.
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Website: https://linktr.ee/joelthomasmedia
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Films: merkelfilms.com
Email: freetherabbitspodcast@gmail.com
Distributed by: merkel.media
Produced by: @jack_theproducer
Joel Thomas - Free The Rabbits
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Joel Thomas - ShutUp N Drive
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Joel explores the mysterious Lucis Trust dating back to its days as the Lucifer Publishing Company. Its origins in Theosophy were created by the mystic and self-proclaimed World Teacher, Helena Blavatsky, and her interactions with the mysterious Hidden Masters of Tibet. After exploring the occult teachings from The Lucis Trust's own website, Joel looks at Alice Bailey's 10 Points to Destroy Christianity and the real underlying goal of the organization.
Buy Me A Coffee: Donate
Website: https://linktr.ee/joelthomasmedia
Follow: Instagram | X | Facebook
Watch: YouTube | Rumble
Music: YouTube | Spotify | Apple Music
Films: merkelfilms.com
Email: freetherabbitspodcast@gmail.com
Distributed by: merkel.media
Produced by: @jack_theproducer
Joel Thomas - Free The Rabbits
YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify
Joel Thomas - ShutUp N Drive
YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify