Monday Musing: Why Did Some Michigan Democrats Give Into Fear On Minimum Wage & Paid Sick Leave?
Episode 217, Jan 27, 09:22 PM
#Podcast #Politics #WorkingClass #Workers CorporateGreed #CorprorateCorruption #CorporateLobby #TippedWorkers #Michigan #Democrats #Republicans #Economy #RestaurantLobby #RestaurantWorkers #Progressive #MichiganPolitics #LeftOfLansing
Here's the Left of Lansing "Monday Musing" for January 27, 2025.
The Michigan MAGA Republicans majority in the state House passed bills that roll-back minimum wage increases, a phasing-out of the tipped wage law, and paid sick leave.
The state Supreme Court ruled last year that Michigan Republicans back in 2018 acted unconstitutionally when they blocked minimum wage and paid sick leave increases from reaching the ballot, and then weakening the laws during Lame Duck. The Court said the original intent of these laws must go into effect in February of 2025.
But once again, right-wing MAGA Michigan Republicans are working to weaken those laws! However, they're getting support from some Michigan Democrats in hurting workers to appease the restaurant lobby.
Pat explains how the irrational fear Democrats have for corporate lobbyists will only continue to hurt them at the polls.
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Left of Lansing is now on YouTube as well!
Here's the Left of Lansing "Monday Musing" for January 27, 2025.
The Michigan MAGA Republicans majority in the state House passed bills that roll-back minimum wage increases, a phasing-out of the tipped wage law, and paid sick leave.
The state Supreme Court ruled last year that Michigan Republicans back in 2018 acted unconstitutionally when they blocked minimum wage and paid sick leave increases from reaching the ballot, and then weakening the laws during Lame Duck. The Court said the original intent of these laws must go into effect in February of 2025.
But once again, right-wing MAGA Michigan Republicans are working to weaken those laws! However, they're getting support from some Michigan Democrats in hurting workers to appease the restaurant lobby.
Pat explains how the irrational fear Democrats have for corporate lobbyists will only continue to hurt them at the polls.
Please, subscribe to the podcast, download each episode, and give it a good review if you can!
Left of Lansing is now on YouTube as well!
"Minimum wage and sick leave bills clear Michigan House with bipartisan support after heated debate." By Kyle Davidson of Michigan Advance
"Nick Hanauer on How Corporate Propaganda Makes Us Fear Sensible Social Policy." By Nathan J. Robinson in Current Affairs