Melissa in the Morning: Pesticides in CT Waters
Jan 29, 02:44 PM
‘Widely used insecticides found in Connecticut waters can kill our ecosystems and even impact human health.’ It’s a jarring headline from the Connecticut Pesticideoalition following a recent UConn report. We spoke with the head of the coalition, Louise Washer, to learn more about these harmful pesticides, “neonics.”
For the initial article: CT Pesticide Reform News Release: Widely Used Insecticides Found in Connecticut Waters Pose a Deadly Threat to Aquatic Ecosystems and A Risk to Human Health - Connecticut Audubon Society
Image Credit: Getty Images
For the initial article: CT Pesticide Reform News Release: Widely Used Insecticides Found in Connecticut Waters Pose a Deadly Threat to Aquatic Ecosystems and A Risk to Human Health - Connecticut Audubon Society
Image Credit: Getty Images