The AI War on Normal People (with Andrew Yang)

Season 2, Episode 6,   Feb 09, 11:00 AM


With AI driving ever greater income inequality while it eats through jobs—blue-collar, white-collar, and the kind of work in professional services firms college grads have trained for— our country’s leaders should be responding to the reality that is already upon us.

The Founding Fathers were aware that yawning gaps between rich and poor destabilize a society. And with AI driving ever greater income inequality while it eats through American jobs—blue-collar, white-collar, and the kind of work in professional services firms that college grads have trained for— our country’s leaders should be responding to the reality that is already upon us. Andrew Yang has been warning for years about the inevitable impacts of AI on our economy and our democracy, and he joins John to discuss possible solutions, including universal basic income and child tax credits.

Andrew Yang joins John Avlon.

show notes
Andrew's 2018 book, "The War on Normal People"