LIVE FROM STATION 12 STUDIO! Eugenie Bondurant & Mary Rachel Quinn 2/13/25
Season 2, Episode 449, Feb 18, 06:48 PM
Before they head off to California and Buffalo for their next acting gig, Station 12's Eugenie Bondurant and Mary Rachel Quinn talked about the power of improv to Empower, Enlighten and Encourage both those who want an acting career and the rest of us looking to liberate our creativity and joy. They talked about the Dunedin Film Festival (they were on the panel), upcoming Sunscreen Films Festival 4/24-27, Gasparilla Film Festival 3/25-30) and their improv showcase coming up at their home base at Green Light Cinema March 8th! Mary Rachel shared acting tips (the audition is your job; getting the role is the bonus and "Say Yes"). Both recommended getting involved anywhere you can, even volunteering at film festivals. And with more good advice, Eugenie recently reposted a video on her social that was hugely helpful: "My fellow actors, I saw this post on Instagram and I felt like it was made for us. It is about resilience and learning. We must embrace that time of frustration when we are learning something. For example, when you are in class, and you are working on a scene and it’s frustrating because you are not getting it or you can’t memorize the lines - whatever the case may be. Go back and realize that you are exactly where you need to be." Take a class, go to the showcase. Learn more here
#station12studio #greenlightcinema #eugeniebondurant #maryrachelquinn #acting #improv #classes #movies #sayyes
#stpete #stpetefl #tampabay #radio #radiostpete
#station12studio #greenlightcinema #eugeniebondurant #maryrachelquinn #acting #improv #classes #movies #sayyes
#stpete #stpetefl #tampabay #radio #radiostpete