GOOD DEEDS: Ronald Platt, National Association for Single and Divorced Families

Season 2, Episode 450,   Feb 18, 08:39 PM

In this episode of Good Deeds, host Nanette Wiser talks to local businessman Ronald H. Platt about the National Association for Single and Divorced Families (NASDF). NASDF helps single parent families navigate their lives, with an umbrella of services, resources, and products, including daycare providers, telehealth services, divorce mediation networks, career services, support groups and blog posts. Connecting single parents and families with a community, a network of support, and services to help ease the burden is the focal point of the association. With Platt's entrepreneurial background and industry connections as a realtor and marketing expert, he crafted a plan and launched NASDF and its member services. Platt says that he saw a need for services first hand. "As a gay foster parent (I later adopted my son), I saw the atrocities that were occurring in the system and what my son, who is also gay, had to endure prior to my care. I knew back then, 24 years ago, that I had to create an organization that had enough members and a loud enough voice to make a change. My son is now 37 years old and has made my husband and I proud grandparents.   I had a former business partner who escaped her home from her abusive husband with her baby under her arm. For 16 years, the court system would not allow her to take full custody of her daughter. The husband was a wealthy architect who manipulated the court system and she was a struggling mother. It wasn't until her daughter turned 16 and called the police when her father came to pick her up did the visits finally stop. I knew then, I had to give mothers and fathers who leave abusive partners a voice for their children."
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