The impact of narcissistic amnesia when your mother is a narcissist & 4 tips that will help you

Season 2, Episode 108,   Mar 11, 06:26 AM

#narcissisticparent #narcissisticmanipulation #maternalnarcissism
When confronting your mother about her hurtful or toxic behaviours, have you noticed that she seems to forget the details of how she behaved badly?
Has she ever told you that you remember things wrong?
Has she ever told you things like:
“I don’t remember it that way.”
“Let me tell you what really happened, because clearly you don’t have it right.”
What you may have experienced with your mother is narcissistic amnesia.
In this episode I speak to the major impact that this has when coming from a parent, and I share 4 tips that have really helped me in my own experience with my mother.

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Related episodes:

Episode 81 Is Every Word Spoken by a Narcissistic Mother Manipulation??

Episode 91 Public perfection & isolation as manipulation by your narcissistic mother (secrecy part 2)

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With Love!

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