Hauntings in Binghamton, New York, Part Two | Guest Empirical Paranormal

Mar 13, 05:00 AM

Empirical Paranormal has been investigating the paranormal in the Southern Tier of New York for over two decades. They have uncovered compelling evidence of apparitions, phantom scents, and unexplained sounds in historic locations like the Phelps Mansion, the Bundy Museum, and the Kilmer Mansion. From witnessing a never-wound clock randomly chiming at all hours to capturing eerie EVP recordings, Empirical Paranormal combines cutting-edge technology with empathetic and intuitive methods to gather proof of spirit activity.  We’ll delve into their investigative process, the stories that have haunted them for years, and the fascinating findings that continue to challenge what we think we know about the spirit world. 

Today on The Grave Talks, a conversation about Hauntings in Binghamton, with Gina Caprari. Amy Scolaro and Dominic Caprari of Empirical Paranormal. This is Part Two of our conversation.
For more information, find them on Facebook and YouTube or go to their website empiricalparanormal.com.

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