Stoma4Life with Raphaela Reeb - Episode 38

Episode 38,   Mar 18, 04:05 AM


Stoma4Life, the Bowel Cancer Awareness and Life as a Ostomate, radio show and podcast is hosted by Raphaela.
Your host Raphaela, invites YOU to join her and benefit from the up-to-date knowledge of the experts she interviews. Surgeons, nurses, specialists in stoma & cancer care, IBS or Crohn's disease sufferers, people just like her, living with a stoma. She is here to debunk myths, clear up misconceptions and help you approach the subject that so many people are afraid to talk about, in a positive manner. Listen in for a new perspective.

Episode 38 - Natasha Rolls, Lead Stoma Care Nurse Specialist, says, ‘My job is the greatest privilege anyone can have.’ A BjN Award winner, she champions expert-led, patient-focused stoma care.

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