03/15/25 Bite By Bite with Tony Kurre & Michael Coleman Presented By Tony Kurre Radio
Episode 1609, Mar 16, 03:51 PM
A COVID-made program LAPA has been a blessing. But, now it looks like it’s getting cut. How can #hafb make up the 600k shortfall?
#hafb #tkr #lapa #farmers #foodbank #foodpantry #covidprograms #TKRApp #TKRPodcast #TonyKurreRadio #TonyKurre #MichaelColeman
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#hafb #tkr #lapa #farmers #foodbank #foodpantry #covidprograms #TKRApp #TKRPodcast #TonyKurreRadio #TonyKurre #MichaelColeman
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