IDS Conference Braille with Thibaut de Martimprey, and Stephane Gaillard
Season 2, Episode 1021, Mar 17, 04:56 PM
At the RNIB Inclusive Design For Sustainability Conference in Glasgow, Toby Davey caught up with Thibaut de Martimprey, Director, Campus Louis Braille and Stephane Gaillard, Director of the Institut National des Jeunes Aveugles (INJA) to find out more about the Campus Louis Braille and the importance of Braille as we talk about inclusive design.
Image description: Exterior shot of the Glasgow Science Centre with its half-dome silver roof, glass front and the observation tower behind. At the front, a large video screen shows a pink background with white text: “RNIB Scotland, Inclusive Design for Sustainability, Conference.”
Image description: Exterior shot of the Glasgow Science Centre with its half-dome silver roof, glass front and the observation tower behind. At the front, a large video screen shows a pink background with white text: “RNIB Scotland, Inclusive Design for Sustainability, Conference.”