740: Squatch Watchers

Mar 18, 04:00 AM

In episode 740: Squatch Watchers, the Squatch Watchers dive deep into the mysteries surrounding their North Carolina investigation site. What began as a pursuit of Bigfoot has evolved into something far more unsettling. Rocks materialize from nowhere. Silent forests hum with unseen energy. Something lurks beneath the fallen trees—watching, waiting.

From the discovery of the Bigfoot Underground—a labyrinth of fallen timber concealing something unnatural—to an inexplicable rock that vanished midair, their encounters defy conventional explanation. Then came Fear Rock. Since its discovery, nightmares, physical attacks, and an oppressive force have followed them—even a simple object seemed to bring chaos into their lives. Are these entities tied to the land? Are they watching from beyond the river? And most disturbingly… have the Squatch Watchers been marked?

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Merkel Media
257 N. Calderwood St., #301
Alcoa, TN 37701

Squatch Watchers
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Produced by: @jack_theproducer

Joel Thomas - Missing
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