Andrew Luck, Josh Gordon and Week Five's Sunday Games

Episode 9,   Oct 06, 2018, 01:54 PM


Dan Strafford and George Kurtz review Andrew Luck's and Josh Gordon's performances from Thursday night's game between the Colts and Patriots. Then, they preview Week Five's Sunday NFL games.

#FNTSY #FNTSYRadio #NFL #ThursdayNightFootball #AndrewLuck...

Dan Strafford and George Kurtz review Andrew Luck's and Josh Gordon's performances from Thursday night's game between the Colts and Patriots. Then, they preview Week Five's Sunday NFL games.

#FNTSY #FNTSYRadio #NFL #ThursdayNightFootball #AndrewLuck #JoshGordon #Colts #patriots #Week5 #WeekFive

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