Estonian drones for electric guitar, modular synth, voice and bell

Mar 23, 03:00 PM

"Samples of the original field recording were layered and looped using the wonderful ciat lonbarde, cocoquantus. A wooden, modular, duel 8 bit looper and multi oscillator synth. Voices, bells and passages of room ambiance all turned into drone symphonies, pushed pulled and layered. 3 brief snippets of open tuned guitar, re sampled and slowed fitting perfectly, creating the central drones and sonic responses to the human voice and glorious reverb heavy bell toll. 

"I wanted to invoke the passage of time, fragility of sound and ritualistic elements of what we may now class as mundane. The sound of the bell from the street, the snatched moment of reverb drenched choir as we pass the door of the church (or press a key on our samplers).

"The passage of time, how we use these sonically rich sites, how we connect and think about them as they age with us are fascinating. As are the layers of experience and the human response we stand as part of. The shared experience, conscious and unconscious reactions that occur as we stand as one with sonic heritage in the present, our shared past and the future."

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Tallinn reimagined by Andy Billington.


This sound is part of the Sonic Heritage project, exploring the sounds of the world’s most famous sights.

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